Pillow boxes are a wonderful packaging style that adds a certain sense of style to the boxes. They have a curved surface that can offer enhanced product protection due to their structure. However, brands take the opportunity of elevating this packaging to the next level using custom prints that can allure the customers.
Pillow boxes are a wonderful packaging style that adds a certain sense of style to the boxes. They have a curved surface that can offer enhanced product protection due to their structure. However, brands take the opportunity of elevating this packaging to the next level using custom prints that can allure the customers.
Bulk pillow boxes for wholesale can become a wonderful substitute for renting billboards. Furthermore, favor pillow boxes adorned with custom prints can help attract potential customers to your products and brand.
Whether it be favor pillow boxes or pillow boxes for wholesale, printing techniques allow brands to push the limits of their creativity. Printing techniques help companies cover the packaging with their custom prints. Thus, they make custom-printed pillow boxes.
Decorating the packaging custom prints allows brands to create beautiful custom pillow boxes that can function as a marketing tool. Many brands that want to utilize the entire space of their packaging effectively tend to adorn the boxes with stellar designs.
Imagine being a brand and having your order of bulk pillow boxes light up the transit routes as they go from point A to point B. Thus, the custom pillow boxes can become a walking billboard.
That’s all well and good, but what are the different printing techniques that brands widely use to create such beautiful and effective boxes?
Well, two printing techniques are popular with the packaging industries around the world.
They are:
And what might be parameters on which to choose one or the other printing technique you ask.
Many factors come into play when choosing one or the other printing technique. It is simply not a matter of choosing the one that offers the best print quality. Many companies have to make the appropriate compromises when it comes to running their business. Thus, sometimes they have to sacrifice superior print quality to remain cost-effective. In contrast, sometimes, they have to look for the best print quality to make their custom pillow boxes the best they can be.
Thus, when choosing a printing technique, they, of course, have to focus on the print quality. However, they should also pay special attention to the initial cost of the setup. Furthermore, it will help if they choose to keep in mind the turnaround times of each technique when deciding upon one or the other printing technique. Another vital point that brands often skip is that they should keep in mind which printing techniques let them change their design quickly and without incurring extra costs. Lastly, it is of critical importance that brands pay attention to how cost-effective each printing technique is.
Having discussed some of the key factors regarding printing techniques, let’s see what the two printing techniques we mentioned above offer the companies that look to make custom printed pillow boxes
This printing technique is famous worldwide due to its simplicity. It follows the same principle as a normal office or home printer. It requires two components, a digital source, a computer or a laptop, and the printer itself.
It functions by directly sending a digitized image of the design to the printer. The printer then recreates the design on the substrate by spraying it with various colored inks. Since the ink is present in spray form, the droplets mix in the air creating the final shade.
This technique can be extremely beneficial to companies who want to remain cost-effective when creating short-volume orders. Furthermore, the method does not require any additional tooling. Thus, the method is set up without breaking a sweat and can begin printing as soon as the design is finalized. Speaking of finalizing the design, the digital printing technique allows the brand to change the design easily.
Lastly, the print quality of this technique is good enough to display attractive designs. Suppose you are a brand that is looking to create several short-volume orders quickly and feature design changes with each order. In that case, this technique might be beneficial to you.
The offset printing method is reserved for brands that want to remain economical while tackling large-volume orders. This printing technique works with the help of various printing plates and rollers that perform different tasks.
A usual working of this technique would involve an ink transferring plate carrying the ink from the pool of different inks and depositing it to a roller. Then, the roller would cover the printing plate with the required inks. The printing plate carries the final design of the image. The printing plate then covers the packaging material and recreates the custom print.
As you can guess, this printing method requires a lot of different tools. Furthermore, the manufacturing of the printing plate is a time taking process that can take many days. Moreover, once made, the design on the printing plate cannot be changed. Thus, brands have to finalize before they start printing.
This technique requires a significant investment of time and capital before the printing starts. Thus, the turnaround times for this method are high.
However, that being said, the offset printing technique is the favored printing method if you require the best possible print quality. The custom prints made using the offset printing technique can look life-like.
If you are a brand that wants to cater to large-volume orders and have the best print quality, the offset printing technique can be ideal.